
Verlangsamen! (or translated into English... Slow!)

Here's objective marker #3, now complete! "Rookie Driver" features a young SS recruit having driven his supply truck through the guardrail on a rickety & narrow bridge. The sign warns drivers to take it "slow". Until next time....


Rookie Driver Update

After the Maultier was fully-painted, I decided to add one of my signature camo nets made from green stuff putty. Here are a few pics of the painted truck with the netting as I'm waiting for it to set up in order to paint. In the third pic, you'll see that besides freeing the truck from it's resin base, I've crafted in an open driver's door.


3rd Objective Marker Under Way...

But I still have a way to go before it's completed. This one is titled, "Rookie Driver". Let me know what you think so far. I'll post more pics along the road to completion. Thanks for looking!


2nd Objective Marker Complete

This one is titled, "Catching some Rays". A British Long Range Desert Group team taking a rest by an oasis. Tongue in cheek, of course! Comments? Critique?